Vino a casa e vino al ristorante 🍷
È appena uscito su Vendemmie un nuovo Focus pensato per accompagnare il lancio di Wine List Italia, la guida curata dalla redazione di Vendemmie ed edita da MWW Media che raccoglie i consigli vinicoli di oltre 50 tra i più importanti sommelier della ristorazione italiana.
Grazie AD Sara Trevaini
Wine at home and wine at the restaurant 🍷
Just released on Vendemmie, a new Focus designed to accompany the launch of Wine List Italia, the guide curated by the Vendemmie editorial team and edited by MWW Media, bringing together wine recommendations from over 50 of the most prominent sommeliers in Italian restaurants.
Thanks to AD Sara Trevaini
Wine at home and wine at the restaurant 🍷
Just released on Vendemmie, a new Focus designed to accompany the launch of Wine List Italia, the guide curated by the Vendemmie editorial team and edited by MWW Media, bringing together wine recommendations from over 50 of the most prominent sommeliers in Italian restaurants.
Thanks to AD Sara Trevaini